Taieri A&P Society

Brand Refresh
Founded in 1860 and nestled within the picturesque landscape of Mosgiel's Taieri Plains, the Taieri A&P Society holds a prestigious place in agricultural history. With over a century of dedicated service, we were proud to be part of this significant milestone in their journey.

This refreshed identity honors the rich history of the society while embracing innovation. Inspired by the vibrant hues of hay and feed that sustain the agricultural community, this refreshed brand aesthetic pays homage to their roots in a visual celebration.

At the heart of the brand is the iconic logo, designed to symbolise the bond between the society and the land. Drawing inspiration from the imagery of stock behind fences, it captures the deep connection to agriculture. With customised versions for the Taieri A&P Show and Showgrounds, our aim was to bring together our diverse community in celebration and inclusivity.